January 13
A satellite data reception station has started operating in SUAI

The Uniscan-24 satellite information reception station has been put into operation at St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. As part of the Priority 2030 program, the antenna system and the receiving station were upgraded.
The equipment is actively used for scientific research by the SUAI Space Services KosmoInform-Center. The Uniscan-24 station receives real-time data within a radius of 2.5 thousand km at an X-band frequency (8 GHz) from both Russian (Meteor-M, Canopus V, Resurs-P, Aist-2D) and foreign spacecraft (Aqua, Suomi NPP, NOAA, FengYun-3, Landsat-8, Sentinel-1 and many others).
When processing data from natural resource and meteorological satellites, it can track in real time the following objects:
-atmospheric objects (types of clouds and their development, water vapor content, smoke, dust, temperature characteristics);
-surface waters (mineral and organic turbidity, phytoplankton, water temperature, ice);
-land features (vegetation condition, thermal characteristics, burning, snow cover).
Based on the digital information received, SUAI plans to develop methods for recognizing dangerous processes and phenomena in the environment using machine data processing and to build a new additional education program for specialists in various sectors of the national economy.