Requirements for the order of submission of manuscripts for publication in the scientific journal "Innovative Instrument Engineering"
- Public offer
- Structure of the article and a sample of its design
- Basic rules of References design in Vancouver style
- Technical requirements for article design
- Specification of the article
- Procedure for reviewing and publishing scientific articles
- Conditions and procedure for retraction of publications
The Journal publishes original scientific materials that have not been published before and meet the thematic focus of the Journal and the criteria of scientific quality, which are of interest to the scientific community. Authors submit to the editorial office electronic and paper versions of the article in Microsoft Word format (see "Structure of the article and sample of its design") and specification to the article (see "Specification to the article").
1. The main text of the article can be structured and consist of the following sections:
- Introduction
- Study objects and methods
- Results and discussion
- Conclusion
The conclusion is written in a narrative style, not broken down into paragraphs. Conclusions should be concise and precise, consisting of several numbered paragraphs. Usually the number of paragraphs corresponds to the number of objectives
2. The length of the article should not be less than 12,000 characters with spaces (7-8 typewritten pages) and should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces (22-23 typewritten pages).
The printout of the article should be signed by all authors with the date of its sending.
3. The manuscript should be accompanied by two reviews (internal and external), conclusions of the expert commission and export control commission, and a report on checking for borrowings (the percentage of originality of the article should be at least 80).
4. The following structure of information presented in Russian and English should be adhered to in the design of the article:
- surname, first name and patronymic of the author(s) in full; academic degree, academic title, honorary title (if any); position, name of the institution(s) where the work was done; city where the institution(s) is located, country. If the manuscript is submitted from several institutions, they should be numbered superscript and the authors of the article should be numbered in the same way; Telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, ORCID (if available) and SPIN code of the authors should also be indicated; one of the authors should be indicated as responsible for correspondence;
- UDC index. It should be placed at the beginning of the article on a separate line on the left;
- title of the article;
- Abstract: the volume is limited to 250 words, the use of references and abbreviations is not allowed;
- Keywords. An article can have from 3 to 15 keywords. Terms and phrases are counted as one keyword
5. At the end of the article the list of sources / Referenses in Russian and English is placed. The list of sources and references to them are arranged according to GOST R 7.0.5. Bibliographic records in the list are numbered and arranged in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article. References are arranged according to the Vancouver style (see "Basic Rules of References in the Vancouver style").
Brief technical requirements for the design of the article
The volume of the article (text, tables, illustrations and bibliography) should not exceed 22-23 pages of A4 typewritten text typed on one side at 1.5 Word intervals in Times New Roman font size 14, margins not less than 2 cm.
Simple formulas should be typed in Word, complex formulas should be typed using MathType or Equation. Commas should be placed in decimal fractions. Do not use two editors at the same time to type one formula. When typing formulas in the formula editor, type punctuation marks that limit the formula along with the formula. The formula number (if any) is typed in the text to the right of the formula in brackets, not in the formula editor, not in the table. Those formulas that are referenced in the text are numbered. When numbering formulas, it is recommended to use the decimal system.
When typing a formula, use only the default settings; never use the Size tab, do not adjust the size of characters in formulas to the font size in the text of the article, do not stretch or compress formulas inserted into the text with the mouse; put spaces in a formula only after commas when listing with Ctrl+Shift+Space (space); do not separate characters with spaces: + = - - ×, and the space inside parentheses; to bold Greek characters in MathType, use Style -> Other -> bold.
To type formulas in Word, never use the tabs: "Equation", "Constructor", "Formula" (on the top panel: "Insert" - "Equation"), as this resource is intended only for internal use in Word and is not supported by programs designed to produce the original layout of the journal.
When typing symbols in the text, remember that Latin characters are typed in light italics, Russian and Greek characters are typed in light bold, vectors and matrices are typed in straight bold.
- drawings, graphs, diagrams, flowcharts should be provided as separate source files that can be edited, they should be made in vector programs: Visio (*.vsd, *.vsdx); Adobe Illustrator (*.ai); Coreldraw (*.cdr, version no higher than 15); Excel (*.xls); Word (*.docx); AutoCad, Matlab (export to PDF, EPS, SVG, WMF, EMF); Compass (export to PDF), DRAW.IO web portal (export to PDF); Inkscape (export to PDF);
- photo and raster - in *.tif, *.png format with maximum resolution (not less than 300 pixels/inch).
Graphical materials (figures, schemes, illustrations) should have consecutive serial numbers, captions in Russian and English (Рис. 1 / Fig. 1), obligatory references in the text. Symbols given in the figures should be explained in the main text of the article or in the caption.
Tables should have consecutive serial numbers, titles in Russian and English (Таблица 1 / Table 1), references in the text. For all indicators in the table it is necessary to specify the units of measurement according to SI, GOST 8.417.For a complete list of technical requirements, see the "Technical Requirements for the Design of the Article"
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not be considered
The author is fully responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the data given in the manuscript of the article sent to the editorial office of the Journal.