The conference was established as a tribute to the memory of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zavalishin (1900–1968) — a Russian scientist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor of technical sciences, honored worker of science and technology of the RSFSR, founder of the school of valve energy converters based on electric machines and valve converters energy.
The first conference was organized by the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in 2006 and is timed to the 65th anniversary of the Institute. The conference conceptually transformed, mastering new scientific directions, involving scientific and educational organizations of the whole world in its ranks, and relying on the concept of society digitalization.
The purpose of the conference is the exchange of information and progressive results of scientific research work of scientific and pedagogical workers, young scientists, graduate students, applicants and students in the field of: automatic control systems, electromechanics, electric power engineering, electrophysics, mechatronics and robotics, information systems.
The conference is organized together with the XVIII International scientific-technical Conference “VIBRATION — 2024. Vibration technologies, mechatronics and controlled machines” of the Southwest State University, IX International Conference “Electric drive, electrical technology and electrical equipment of enterprises” of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University and VI International Conference MIST: Aerospace-V 2024: Advanced Technologies in Aerospace, Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St. Petersburg.
Organizing committee
General chair:
- Antokhina Julia Anatolyevna Dr. Econ. Sc., Professor, Rector of SUAI
- Baulin Oleg Aleksandrovich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Rector of USPTU
- Emelyanov Sergey Gennadievich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Rector of SWSU
- Kovalev Igor Vladimirovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Director of Krasnoyarsk Regional Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public
- Ovodenko Anatoly Arkadievich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, President of SUAI, Head of the UNESCO Department of Distance Engineering Education, Academician of the Metrological Academy of the Russian Federation
- Shishlakov Vladislav Fedorovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies and Innovative Activities, Director of the Institute of Cyberphysical Systems of SUAI
- Zheleznov Yury Anatolievich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Acting Director of IEE RAS
Chair of program committee:
- Shishlakov Vladislav Fedorovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies and Innovative Activities, Director of the Institute of Cyberphysical Systems of SUAI
Program committee members:
- Bezzateev Sergey Valentinovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Docent, Head of Department of Information Security of SUAI
- Chubraeva Lidiya Igorevna Dr. Tech. Sc., Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of Laboratory of Electric Power Industry of IEE RAS, Chief Researcher of the I.V. Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of IEE RAS
- Filimonov Nikolaj Borisovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Chief Research Associate at Institute of Control Sciences V.A. Trapeznikov Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- Frolova Elena Aleksandrovna Dr. Tech. Sc., Docent, Director of the Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations, Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal «Innovative Instrumentation» of SUAI
- Hakimyanov Marat Ilgizovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Docent, Head of Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment of Enterprises, Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Electrotechnical and information complexes and systems” of USPTU
- Pakhomova Ekaterina Gennadievna Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs of SWSU
- Solyonyj Sergey Valentinovich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Head of Department of Electromechanics and Robotics, Director of Engineering School of SUAI
- Suprun Alexander Fedorovich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Deputy Director of Institute of Cybersecurity and Information Protection of SPbPU
- Yamschikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of the Scientific Direction of Electric Discharge Laser Technology of IEE RAS
- Yatsun Sergey Fedorovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Head of Department of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
Head of working group:
- Solenaya Oksana Yaroslavovna Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI
Working group members:
- Bezmen Pyotr Anatolyevich Ph. D., Tech., Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Emelyanova Oksana Viktorovna Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Lushnikov Boris Vladimirovich Ph. D., Tech., Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Malchikov Andrey Vasilyevich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Politov Evgeny Nikolaevich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Romanova Marina Sergeevna Assistant of Department of Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI
- Rukavitsyn Alexander Nikolaevich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Rysin Alexander Vladimirovich Head of the Student Design Bureau «Power Machines – GUAP», Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI
- Savelieva Ekaterina Vladimirovna Engineer I category of the Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Statkevich Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Assistant of Department Control in Technical Systems of SUAI
- Voroshilova Anna Anatolyevna Ph. D., Tech., Deputy Director of Krasnoyarsk Regional Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations
- Yatsun Andrey Sergeevich Ph. D., Tech., Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics of SWSU
- Zhilnikova Natalia Alexandrovna Dr. Tech. Sc., Docent, Professor of the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems, member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal «Innovative Instrumentation» of SUAI
Automatic Control Systems
- Unmanned aircraft systems
- Human-robot interaction
- Cyberphysical systems
- Mechatronics and robotics
- Sensor networks and cloud services for robots
- Control in technical systems
Electromechanics and Electric Power Engineering
- Intelligent power supply systems
- Unconventional and renewable energy sources
- Digital energy
- Electric machines and apparatuses
- Electric drive and automation
- Electric power systems and networks
- Plasma and electric discharge technologies
- Electrophysical and electromagnetic phenomena and processes
- Electrophysical installations
- Energy of powerful impulses
Information Technology
- Internet of things
- Information security
- Artificial intelligence
- Cognitive research
- Quantum technologies
- Methods and systems of information protection
- System analysis, management and information processing
Mechatronics and Vibration Technologies
XVIII International scientific-technical Conference “VIBRATION — 2024. Control Vibration Technologies and Machines”
- Biomechanical systems and technologies
- Dynamics of machines and robots
- Dynamics of multi-link systems
- Control of vibration systems
Electric Drive, Electrical Technologies and Electrical Equipment
IX International Scientific and Technical Conference “Electric Drive, electrical technologies and electrical equipment enterprises”
- Automation of technological processes
- Diagnostics of electrical equipment
- Methods of teaching electrical engineering disciplines
- Digital technologies and robotic complexes
- Electric drive of technological installations
- Power supply and relay protection
- Electrical technology and power converter technology
- Energy saving and energy audit
Proceedings of the conference
The proceedings of the conference with the reports presented in person will be published in the following collections:
- in Russian in the collection of the youth section of the conference (edition with ISBN);
- in Russian in the collection of the adult section of the conference with indexing in the RSCI;
- in Russian in the scientific journal “Innovative Instrumentation” with indexing in the RSCI;
- in English in the in the collection of the AIP Conference Proceedings (USA), IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (UK) and Journal of Physics: Conference Series (UK) with indexing in the SCOPUS.
Conference calendar
Official language
The official language of the event is Russian and English.
Keynote lectures
Ключевые доклады
Kiyamov Zhasur Utkirovich
Senior lecturer at the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Ph. D., Tech.
Topic of the report: Study of the influence of two-level data processing on the analysis of packet transmission time using machine learning methods
Trofimov Alexey Alekseevich
General Director of LLC “Ampere, Volt, Tesla and Company”
Topic of the report: Multifunctional charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Lazarev Sergey Yurievich
Chief Scientific Director of LLC “Research and Production Association “Geoenergetics”, Ph. D., Tech.
Topic of the report: Results of the use of powerful ultrasound and natural geostructures in industry
Ryzhkov Sergey Vitalievich
Professor of the Department of Thermophysics, Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, Dr. Tech. Sc., professor
Topic of the report: Pulsed radiation-magnetogasdynamic systems for various applications
Kalachikov Pavel Nikolaevich
Leading expert of the special design bureau for the design of electrical machines of JSC “Power Machines”, Associate Professor of the Department of Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI, Ph. D., Tech.
Topic of the report: Modern trends in electrical engineering and their implementation in the production conditions of JSC “Power Machines”
Grigorieva Alexandra Stanislavovna
Project manager at the Elektrosila plant
Topic of the report: Features of practice-oriented training of SUAI students in the framework of interaction with JSC “Power Machines”
Design of articles
All articles are submitted to the conference e-mail
Articles submitted to the organizing committee should not be considered by another conference and should be published earlier or accepted for publication elsewhere.
In the Russian collection of the youth section with the article, the author submits a letter of recommendation from the head with a request for acceptance of the article in the collection or an extract from the minutes of the department meeting.
In the Russian adult collection with the article, the author provides an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article and a letter of recommendation from the head with a request for acceptance of the article in the collection.
For publication in the scientific journals “Innovative Instrumentation” with the article, the author provides the conclusions of the expert commission and the export control commission of the educational organization on the possibility of publishing the materials of the article in the open press or a letter of recommendation from the head of the profile organization with a request for acceptance of the article and a notification that it does not contain information constituting the state a secret.
The volume in English proceedings will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings. The books of this series are submitted to SCOPUS.
- Rules for the registration of articles in the collection of reports of the youth section
- Rules for the registration of articles in the collection of reports of the adult section
- Rules for the registration of articles in the scientific journal “Innovative Instrumentation”
- Rules for the registration of articles in the collection of reports of the AIP Conference Proceedings
- Rules for the registration of articles in the scientific journals IOP Conference Series, Journal of Physics
Conference fees
The registration fee of participants depends on the type of collection in which the article is accepted:
- Articles in collections in Russian — free of charge.
- Articles in the in the AIP Conference Proceedings — ₽17100.
Detailed information on payment methods will be sent to the authors of the accepted articles after papers approval. An author with more than one paper pays the additional paper rates unless a co-author has also registered and paid the full registration fee. In the case of uncertainty, feel free to contact the organizing committee for clarification.
The conference will be organized at the campus of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Address: 67, Bolshaya Morskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia
E-mail address: