Historical background
The first conference was organized by the Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation and Systems of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in 2020 and coincided with the 25th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Section of the ISA. The conference is aimed at considering new scientific directions, finding new answers to actual questions of aerospace, instrumentation industry, as well as new answers for the new field of intelligent transport systems and advanced information technologies.
The purpose of the international conference is to exchange information and the results of scientific and research work of lectures, researches, young scientists, graduate students, applicants and students in the field of instrumentation, aerospace instrumentation, operating technologies, transport process technologies, new solutions in the field of intelligent transport systems and information technologies for aerospace industry.
Conference organizer
Main goals, objectives, and principles of the international conference
The goals of the conference are to create a space for professional self-realization of specialists and their participation in solving actual problems of instrument-making enterprises, industrial industry, organizations of aerospace industry of Russia and countries participating in space projects.
Conference tasks:
- to accumulate scientific achievements and new practices, to acquaint the faculty, postgraduates and students of educational institutions, specialists of enterprises with the results of scientific developments and performed applied research in the field of instrumentation, aerospace instrumentation, operating technologies, transport process technologies, new solutions in the field of information technologies for aerospace industry and industries;
- to reveal creative and organizational abilities, leadership competencies, improvement of professional skills of students, mobilization and presentation of the intellectual potential of master's and PhD students;
- increasing the motivation of young professionals to actively participate in the activities of enterprises and organizations, the interest in high performance indicators;
- attracting the attention of the public and employers to youth initiatives, increasing their interest in developing the potential of young professionals;
- promotion of scientific and practical conferences as a progressive form of exchange of scientific and practical experience.
Scientific directions of the international conference
Starting in 2024, a new section is being added to the conference “History of aeronautics and astronautics”.
Depending on the number of participants, it is possible to form a section in English.
Aerospace measuring and computing systems
- Instrumentation
- Traffic control systems and navigation
- Measuring-computer systems
- System modelling
- Information processing systems
Systems analysis, logistics, intelligent transportation systems
- Technology of transportation processes
- Organization of transport and transport management
- Models and methods of technical systems optimization
- Intelligent transport systems
- Modern technologies in transport processes and supply chains
Operation and control of aerospace systems
- Navigation systems
- Aerodynamics
- Operational technologies
- Space vehicles
- Aerospace systems
- Ground infrastructure for aerospace
Aerospace computer and software systems
- Information technologies in aerospace systems
- Algorithms and methods
- Performance evaluation of information transmission systems
- On-board networks
- Software solutions
History of aeronautics and astronautics
- History of aeronautics, aviation and astronautics
- History of development of aviation and astronautics
- Scientific research on the history of aviation and astronautics
- Development of avionics, space systems, enterprises
- Pilots, astronauts, designers, engineers, developments
- November 27, 2023
- Preparation of articles (report materials, expert opinion on the possibility of publication)
- December 8, 2023
- Receipt of the set of materials
- February 1, 2024
- Preparation of program materials
- March 22, 2023
- Collected papers of the International Conference “Aerospace Instrumentation and Exploitation Technologies” to be prepared in advance
- April 4, 2024
- Opening of the International Conference, plenary session
- April 4–20, 2024
- Work of the sections according to the conference directions
Conference Language
The official languages of the conference are Russian and English.
Contact Information
For organizational questions and questions about the design of reports and articles:
Phone: +7-812-494-70-93
Email: a-eng.op.tech@yandex.ru
Website (russian version):
Website (english version):
Key reports of the plenary session
Key papers from the 2024 conference plenary session are in the making.
Formation of articles
Articles submitted to the organizing committee should not be considered by another conference and should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Rules for papers in the Proceedings.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers are assigned to conference papers.
The Conference will be held on the basis of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, located at: SUAI, 67, Bolshaya Morskaia str., Saint-Petersburg, 190000, RUSSIA. (view on the map)
How to get there:
- From Pulkovo-1 airport — by bus #39 to bus stop “Moskovskaya Metro Station” and further to “Admiralteyskaya” metro station. Further on — by trolleybuses #5, 22 and buses #3, 22, 27 to bus stop “Ploschad Truda” and further on — by foot 5 min.
- From the railway station “Ladozhsky” — by bus #27 to bus stop “Ploschad Truda”, then walk 5 minutes.
- From “Moskovsky” Railway Station — trolleybuses #5, 22 and buses #3, 22, 27 to a bus stop “Ploshchad Truda” and then walk 5 minutes.
Organizing Committee
General chair:
- Antokhina Julia Anatolyevna Dr. Econ. Sc., Professor, Rector of SUAI
- Fetisov Vladimir Andreevich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics, SUAI
- Lebedev Vitaly Vladislavovich Chairman of the Section of History of Aviation and Cosmonautics of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian National Committee on History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Maiorov Nikolai Nikolayevich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Director of the Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation and Systems
- Nebylov Alexander Vladimirovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor of Aerospace Measurement and Computing Systems Department SUAI, Member of Presidium of Navigation and Motion Control Academy, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
- Olenev Valentin Leonidovich PhD., Tech., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Aerospace Computer and Software Systems, Head of the «Aerospace R&D Centre» SUAI
- Ovchinnikova Natalya Anatolievna PhD., Tech., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Operation and Management of Aerospace Systems, SUAI
- Shekhunova Natalia Aleksandrovna PhD., Tech., Associate Professor of the Department of Aerospace Computer and Software Systems, SUAI
- Shishlakov Vladislav Fedorovich Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies and Innovative Activities, Director of the Institute of Cyberphysical Systems of SUAI
- Skorina Sergey Feodosievich PhD., Tech., Associate Professor of the Department of Operation and Management of Aerospace Systems, SUAI
- Suvorova Elena Aleksandrovna PhD., Tech., Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Computer and Software Systems, SUAI, «Aerospace R&D Centre» SUAI
Organizing committee members:
- Angelina Alexandrovna Dobrovolskaya PhD student, Assistant of Department of Systems Analysis and Logistics, SUAI
- Kostin Anton Sergeevich Assistant of Systems Analysis and Logistics Department, Head of Unmanned Aerial Systems Laboratory, SUAI Engineering School
- Nizyaeva Julia Denisovna Assistant of Department of Systems Analysis and Logistics, SUAI
- Rubinov Vladislav Valerievich PhD student, Engineer of Systems Analysis and Logistics Department, SUAI
- Taratun Ekaterina Alexandrovna Assistant of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics, SUAI
- Taratun Vitaly Evgenyevich PhD., Tech., Senior Lecturer of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics, SUAI