July 4, 2023

The second SUAI-PSU International Summer School has completed its work

From June 19 to 24, students from the Republic of Belarus became guests of St. Petersburg and participants of the SUAI-PSU International Summer School on Information Technologies and Robotics, where they got acquainted with the work of the laboratories of our university and gained new knowledge

The students of Polotsk State University named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk have a busy week behind them. The Summer School program included presentations of SUAI laboratories, lectures, a visit to the Power Machines – SUAI student constructor bureau, as well as a visit to the most beautiful sights of St. Petersburg in the company of SUAI Welcome Center guides.

Timofey Gulevich, PSU Design and production of software-controlled electronic devices student, shared his impressions:

– Of all the events, I would like to highlight a visit to the mobile robot laboratory and the Engineering garage. I have several ideas that I plan to implement and in order to do it I will need the knowledge that I have acquired here. I also really liked the Power Machines student design bureau. SUAI has many well-equipped laboratories and a good technical base. I plan to work either in the direction of robotics, or become an embedded systems programmer. All the knowledge I have gained will be useful to me.

The participants also liked the training on Emotional Intelligence conducted by Anastasia Zhivykh, coach of the SUAI Competence Center. The training allowed them to get to know each other better, unite the team and identify leadership qualities.

At the end of the event, students from Belarus were awarded certificates of participation and gifts.