July 4, 2023

"Modern Ontology — XI: Ontology and Religion" International Scientific and Practical Conference

From June 26 to 30, SUAI hosted a large–scale international scientific and practical conference on Modern Ontology — XI: Ontology and Religion. The scientific program includes two blocks

This year the Conference was organized by the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Volgograd State University and the Ontological Society. More than 110 scientists, from Russia, Republic of Belarus, Lithuania, and China, took part in this large-scale event.

The organizers noted that the concept of the Conference implies ontology not only as a basic section of philosophy, but also as knowledge about the world as a whole. Ontology reflects all aspects of being, including religion.

The reports of the first block of the scientific conference include such areas as the ontological foundations of the emergence of religion, its purpose, prospects for the union of ontology and religion. The topics of the second block covered the theory of ontology and it’s history, speakers talked about the relationship of ontology and mathematics, natural sciences, humanities, theology and angelology, as well as about the logic, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of religion.