October 6, 2023

SUAI becomes a member of the Constellation of Roscosmos Consortium

From October 4 to 6 Krasnoyarsk became the center of space science in Russia.

The II Branch Scientific and Practical Сonference The Constellation of Roscosmos: the Trajectory of Science was held here on the basis of the M.F. Reshetnev SibSU. Its main task was to form the domestic scientific and technical potential of organizations and enterprises of the rocket and space industry together with higher educational institutions

At the opening of the Conference, 28 organizations participating in the Constellation of Roscosmos Consortium were awarded agreements in the field of training qualified personnel within the framework of creating a unified integrated educational, scientific and innovative environment aimed at developing the human and scientific potential of the rocket and space industry. SUAI also became a member of the Constellation of Roscosmos Consortium.