February 8

From China with new knowledge and impressions

Three Chinese universities invited SUAI students to take part int the mobility programs within the framework of cooperation agreements. In autumn, 13 students of our university visited China

The cooperation between St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and Chinese universities has always been close. A memorandum of understanding was signed with the Shenyang Institute of Technology in 2020. The pandemic has caused some interruption in cooperation, but at the moment the borders are open and mutually beneficial cooperation between our states, including in the educational sphere, continues.

In the fall of 2023, Anastasia Ivanisheva, a student of the SUAI Faculty of Humanities, was given the opportunity to live and study in China for two and a half months. She shared her impressions and talked about studying and leisure in this great country.

– I am infinitely grateful for this experience of living in another country for such a long time. I really enjoyed the internship: I got to know Chinese culture better, improved my Chinese language skills, made new friends and generally had a wonderful time. I love China very much, but I've never been there for so long. I was able to do every task given because I had an appropriate level of Chinese. At one time, however, it was difficult to combine my studies in China and Russia.

Several SUAI students also studied at the Beijing Institute of Technology. Ulyana Yakovleva, a student of group 1032, spoke about how the trip under the international exchange program was useful for her.

– I realized that I am very pleased with Chinese society, they are simple, open, always ready to help, generous. China is a great country with great opportunities. Such internships are very important for the younger generation, because this is a great opportunity to gain knowledge about the culture, studies and life of another country. The subjects we were taught in China were very useful for my specialty. Studying in English made learning even more interesting, and the fact that it was happening in another country made it exciting.

Beihang University welcomed three SUAI students. Founded in 1952, this long term SUAI partner is one of the best technical universities in China and enters the number of 20 strongest institutions in the People's Republic of China. For Eva Ivashkova, a student studying Linguistics at SUAI, this trip to China made her long-standing dream come true.

Our University’s cooperation with Chinese universities continues to gain momentum. Last autumn, SUAI delegation took part in the Global Partnership Week dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences (SUES). SUES and SUAI signed a Memorandum of understanding which goal is to develop academic cooperation in the field of education and scientific research.