February 26
SUAI professor and students take part in the program of Radio Russia – St. Petersburg
On February 26, the program "Historical Club" on the channel "Wind through the Window" of Radio Russia – St. Petersburg hosted a presentation of collections of SUAI student works "My family in the history of the country" with the participation of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tamara Smirnova and students Olga Kovaleva and Nikita Makarov.
Tamara Mikhailovna spoke about the systematic work on the project "My family in the history of the country" in the discipline "History of Russia". She drew attention to the fact that studying the life and activities of our ancestors in different historical periods gives the clearest and brightest understanding of the history of our country – we can feel that not only emperors and generals "make history", but each of us does. Tamara Mikhailovna stressed the importance of such research work starting with her own desire to immerse herself in her family's past.