March 22

The point of growth. The path to success – one million business ideas!

On March 22, SUAI hosted the V anniversary international interuniversity business game "Point of Growth. The path to success", in which the team of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service (Republic of Uzbekistan) managed to win in a serious struggle

This year, teams from six universities competed in the business game: Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service (Republic of Uzbekistan), Polotsk State University named after Efrosinia Polotskaya and Belarusian State University (Republic of Belarus), Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk), RANEPA St. Petersburg and SUAI.

Participants of the business game traditionally are university students from various countries and cities who are ready and not afraid to pave their way in the business world, confident in their knowledge and interested in sharing experiences and expanding their horizons. The teams brought their own ideas for building a new business to the game. According to the terms of this year’s game, the business ideas were supposed to represent the author's concepts of organizing the production and sale of chocolate-containing products in real market conditions.

SUAI Rector made an opening speech and wished luck to the strongest teams. The author and the main organizer of the business game Professor of the SUAI Department of International Entrepreneurship , Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Galina Peshkova stressed that the popularity of the event is growing, the geography of participants is expanding, the number of teams is increasing, and most importantly– the quality of projects and professional competencies of team members are growing.

Careful preparation for the game takes several months. In order to win the students have to use all their life experience, even if it is still not very big. The specifics of the products chosen for the game are interesting because they are far from the disciplines studied by economists and lawyers. To develop a business case, the participants had to explore a new market for themselves, identify the target audience, show creative thinking and find non-standard solutions to promote the product. Modern ideas and vivid presentations are a characteristic feature of the Point of Growth. The path to success game. The task of the jury is very difficult – it is necessary to assess the viability of the project in the real conditions of high competition in the market.

The creativity of the ideas developed by the participants managed to surprise even the permanent chairman of the jury, Konstantin Timokhin, head of the office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg, and Andrei Pavlov, a member of the jury, co–founder of BagginsCoffee.

Konstantin Mikhailovich stated that the progress of the event and its participants is obvious. There has been a qualitative leap this year. The students provided ready-made business plans for projects of a high degree of elaboration.

According to the results of the business game, the team of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies took the third place. The second place was shared by SUAI and PSU, and the winner of the V anniversary international business game "Point of Growth. The way to success" was the team of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. The main prize of the game is a rolling cup, this year the team from the Republic of Uzbekistan took it with them.