April 4, 2024

SUAI hosts the anniversary International Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies

The opening of the annual International Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies, organized by the Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems of SUAI took place

In 2024, the International Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies is being held for the fifth time and includes 12 events dedicated to industry issues. Thanks to the conference, scientists, graduate students, and students have the opportunity to exchange information and research results in the field of instrumentation, aerospace instrumentation, operational technologies, and transport process technologies; to present new solutions in the field of information technology for the aerospace industry and industry.

This year's conference includes five sections, each of which is devoted to current research in such fields as aerospace measurement and computing systems; intelligent transport systems; system analysis and logistics; operation and management of aerospace systems, and aerospace computer and software systems. Research is carried out both at enterprises and at the Institute of Aerospace Devices and Systems of SUAI.

As part of the plenary session of the conference, two devices manufactured by NPO Helikon LLC were demonstrated: the halogen leak detector GTI-8 and the helium mass spectrometric leak detector TI1-50M "GeliTest".

Excursions to the recently opened SUAI scientific laboratories were also held for the guests of the International Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies. The participants visited the Small Spacecraft Design Laboratory, whose activities are aimed at obtaining small spacecraft competencies that are critically important for the industry and enterprises of Roscosmos Group. They also visited the Laboratory of Aerospace Micromechanics, where students are trained in the field of design and testing of micromechanical devices that solve navigation problems of aerospace and control systems for mobile objects

The work of the sections of the International Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies will last until April 20.