April 5

The SUAI team takes second place at the Marathon of Digital Departments of the Northwestern Federal District

The Marathon of Digital Departments is held in three stages: online and offline stages are followed by the final where team members meet. On April 5, 13 universities of the Northwestern Federal District presented cases of interaction with industrial partners and presented their projects. The event was organized by Innopolis University

The team of St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation was represented by Tatyana Tatarnikova, head of the Digital Department, Director of the Institute of Information Technology and Programming; Elena Turnetskaya, head of the "Testing Engineer" IT module, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics; Alexander Zvezdakov, a third-year student of Informatics and Computer Engineering, who is also studying within the framework of Digital Departments programs of SUAI.

The SUAI student presented his project to the expert commission. A mobile application To work is aimed at the adaptation of new employees of the company. The project is based on gamification and will help an employee to get access to the working tools faster, establish communication between colleagues and give motivation to work in the company. A special "smart assistant" will answer any employee's question and help the company reduce staff turnover as