June 3

The Conference on Wave Electronics and Infocommunication Systems

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation is hosting the XXVII International Scientific Conference on Wave Electronics and Infocommunication Systems from June 3 to 7 The Conference is attended by leading Russian and foreign scientists and specialists whose activities are based in the fields of wave electronics and infocommunication systems.

At the opening of the event, YuliaAntokhina, the rector of SUAI, made awelcomingspeech. emphasizing the change of the Conferencevector fromfundamental toapplied science.

– SUAI has been holding this Conference for 27 years in a row. This is already a whole history of the development of technology and domestic science. We are integral participants in the process of changing scientific directions, meetings, and sections. Today, we can definitely say that we are setting the vector of topics and discussions. 5 years ago, we paid attention to fundamental research, and today, with the development of technology, we are talking more about applied developments and inventions. I wish all participants fruitful work and great pleasure from the discussions, – Yulia Antokhina addressed the audience.

The Conference is supported by various foundations and international associations, as well as domestic enterprises. The organizers consider it very useful for scientists from different countries to communicate, establish direct contacts and joint scientific research in the future.

– This time we received a lot of reports – 170 papers. The geography of the Conference is rapidly expanding – representatives of the Republic of Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Vietnam have joined us. Experts from many Russian cities also participated. I am pleased to see my colleagues here, and I want to congratulate you all on the start of this traditional event," said Sergey Kulakov, co–chairman of the Conference, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor