June 7

SUAI hosts a round table on Promising On-board Computer Networks

At the XXVI International Scientific Conference on Wave Electronics and Infocommunication Systems (WECONF-2024), organized by St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, a round table on Promising On-board Computer Networks was held.

It was a meeting of the Aerospace Systems of the New Generation Consortium ("Generation "Aerospace"), created on the basis of SUAI within the framework of the Priority 2030 program. The Consortium includes industry representatives, universities and private companies and is being implemented within the framework of the AerospaceR&DCentre strategicprojectin order to expandpartnerships,jointresearchin the field of aerospace,aswell as targetedtraining of highly qualifiedengineeringandscientificpersonnel.

The round table with the participation of representatives of the aerospace industry became an opportunity to discuss the prospects of on-board communication networks. The participants shared their vision of a lightweight version of the SpaceFibre-Lite standard, touched upon the problems of integrating existing groundwork into promising VVST products, described a way to form the knowledge base of an expert system of preparation and decision-making through a model of a deterministic real-time optical network. Representatives of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University proposed options for creating an open software package UEMKA.

The participants also discussed the production of domestic chips, standardization of new developments and the need for specialists in the field of on-board networks. The Consortium was created within the framework of the strategic project of the Priority 2030 program.