June 14

SUAI student becomes one of the winners of the All-Russian Engineering Competition 2024

The All-Russian Engineering Competition ended in Moscow on June 14. 100 students and postgraduates from 48 universities of 28 regions of the country competed in the final.

The students represented 66 areas of study: from applied mathematics to economic security. The projects in the format of defending the final qualification work were evaluated by the top officials of high-tech corporations and industries, general designers and leading scientists.

Mikhail Zhelavsky, a student of the Department of Operation and Management of Aerospace Systems, became the winner of the jubilee season of the All–Russian Engineering Competition 2024 in the field of Air Navigation and Operation of Aviation and Rocket and Space technology with a project on development of a digital passport for an aviation industry product using the example of a SukhoiSuperjet 100 passenger aircraft.

The All–Russian Engineering Competition is an annual competition of students and postgraduates who present real engineering projects as part of their final qualifying works. The competition is held on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.