June 10

SUAI at the III Conference of the Association of Rectors of Transport Universities BRICS

On June 10, a delegation from St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation took part in the III Conference of the Association of Rectors of Transport Universities BRICS

The SUAI delegation headed by Valery Matyash, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, took part in the III Conference held at the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. The participants of the meeting, including heads of universities and the transport industry of the BRICS countries, discussed the possibilities of working together in our changing world, training qualified personnel, and areas of joint scientific research.

The purpose of the Conference is to intensify the activities of the Association in the context of the expansion of the BRICS association, jointly solve scientific, technical, academic, organizational, economic, environmental, legal and other transport problems; improve the training of personnel in the transport industry, the state and prospects for the development of the BRICS transport complex; build the interaction of the BRICS countries on transport support and cooperation with other states, and strengthen contacts between educational and scientific institutions and transport companies.